Our team at Place N’ Go is always talking to potential customers about their basement flooring concerns. One of the first areas we inquire about is why their old flooring didn’t work for them. We’ve found that, for many, the popular residential flooring solution is peel and stick tiles. Though inexpensive, there is a reason that these floor tiles are not ideal in the basement setting.
They offer no comfort
Peel and stick tiles provides you the luxury of ease with direct application. However, the lack of underlayment in your basement flooring means that when you walk into your basement, your feet feel the cold, hard surface underneath. Not only is it uncomfortable and uninviting, but this type of flooring also steals away the potential warmth within the room if proper insulation requirement isn’t met.
They do not last
Let’s face it; stick down tiles are not designed for the long haul. Although the adhesives on the backing may be strong in the beginning, with even a regular amount of foot traffic, your floors will slowly begin to lift. Lifting can become a tripping hazard for people walking on the floor. Clearly, an less than ideal situation for you, your family, and your guests.
They crumble with moisture
As the foundation for most residential homes, concrete provides a strong base. However, the material is also susceptible to cracking. Because basements tend to flood or allow moisture into the house, adhesive tiles are less than ideal as a basement flooring solution. The performance of these tiles with the presence of moisture is next to none. Your efforts and money will lift before your eyes.
They emphasize problem subfloors
Similarly, basements are not only the prime location for moisture but problem subfloors as well. Thus, if applying stick down tiles, you will only mask a problem, not fix it. Peel and stick tiles are thin so you can be confident that you’ll feel every dip, crack, and other issue through the floor.
Our team at Place N’ Go wants to assure you that there are basement flooring options that are affordable and functional. Click here to learn more about our residential flooring solutions that will provide comfort and function with easy installation over subproblem floors. Once you’re ready to invest in a flooring product that makes sense, give us a call at 508.583.3200.