While we enjoy the warmer temperatures of spring and look ahead to the even warmer summer months, homeowners are thinking about home improvements. One easy home improvement project you can tackle this spring is upgrading your basement flooring. If you think installing a new floor doesn’t sound like an easy project, we’re pleased to tell you it’s easy with Place N’ Go flooring products from SelecTech. Our interlocking flooring tiles and planks are simple to install and don’t require any adhesives or special tools.
Does your basement flooring need an upgrade? Here’s why it’s a project you should tackle this spring.
It’s easier to stay dry.
Basements are notorious for moisture problems, and you don’t want to trap mold or mildew underneath your new flooring. In the spring, you can keep the doors and windows open to air out your basement as you prepare to install new flooring over your subfloor. Trying to treat a mold or mildew problem in the fall or winter is more difficult because you have fewer opportunities to air out the basement after cleaning and treating the floor for mold.
You’re inside less.
As the weather warms up, you spend more time outside. Depending on your routine, commitments, and responsibilities, you may have to pause and resume your flooring project a few times before you finish. By waiting until a time when you spend less time inside, you’ll avoid interrupting your daily life while you install your new floor.
You’ll soon be inside more.
Many people use their basements as a refuge from the summer heat. By installing new flooring in the spring, your basement will be ready to use in the summer when you’re looking for a cool place to pass the time. Once the weather reaches peak summer temperatures, you’ll be glad that your basement and its new floor are ready to use.
Residential Basement Flooring | Place N’ Go by SelecTech
Installing a new basement floor is easy with Place N’ Go flooring products from SelecTech. Our interlocking flooring is simple to install. The planks and tiles easily fit together, and you don’t need any adhesives or special tools. Just install them over your existing subfloor, and you’re good to go!