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game room flooring

Game Room Flooring: Designing the Perfect Space

Design your perfect game room with flooring from Place N’ Go! Here’s what you should consider when choosing a flooring material.

playroom flooring

The Two Features You Want from Playroom Flooring

The playroom is a room just for your kids. The two key features you want from playroom flooring are safety and durability. Here’s why.

interlocking flooring

Make a Mudroom with Interlocking Flooring

Keep your home clean this fall and winter by making a mudroom with easy-to-install interlocking flooring from Place N’ Go.

Does Your Workshop Flooring Stand Up?

Here are some things to consider when choosing basement flooring for your home workshop.

kitchen flooring

Protect Your Kitchen with Durable Flooring

A lot happens in your kitchen. Here’s why you need durable flooring to keep your home running.

bathroom flooring

Why You Want Watertight Bathroom Flooring

Place N’ Go flooring products from SelecTech are easy to install, and their interlocking design forms a seal so your bathroom flooring will be watertight.

residential interlocking flooring

Interlocking Flooring: Functional and Easy to Install

Here are three key reasons why residential interlocking flooring is ideal for any room in your home.

home gym flooring

What You Want from Your Home Gym Flooring

Building a home gym? Here’s what you want from your flooring.

basement flooring

3 Reasons to Upgrade Your Basement Flooring This Spring

While we enjoy the warmer temperatures of spring and look ahead to the even warmer summer months, homeowners are thinking about home improvements. One easy home improvement project you can tackle this spring is upgrading your basement flooring.

kids playroom flooring

Kids Playroom Flooring That Works for Your Family

The playroom is where your kids are free to play, but you need the right flooring to make it easy for you to clean up.